Imam Anwar is the author of several excellent lectures. His lectures teach about Islam as well as inspire towards good. You will learn a lot from Imam Anwar and his lectures are highly recommended. Some titles include: The Lives of the Prophets, The Hereafter, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq – His Life Times, Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab – His Life and Times, The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), Allah is Preparing us for Victory, 25 Promises of Allah to the believers, Tafseer of Ayaat Al-Kursi, stories From Hadiths and a lot more! Mohammad Al Shareef is the author of the Perished Nations and Conversations in Hell and Heaven series which are especially informative. Other lectures include: Regret, Bath yourself with Money, The Fasting and the Furious (Tips for Ramadan), Protecting our Imaan, Anger Management and more!Ismail ibn Musa Menk.
Ismail ibn Musa Menk, also known as Mufti Menk, is a Muslim cleric and current Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. Menk was born in Harare, where he undertook his initial studies.
Menk then went on to obtain a degree in Shariah Law from the Islamic University of Madinah. Following this, he went on to specialize in Jurisprudence in Gujarat, India. These are all very inspiring lectures. Most lectures can be found. Several notable ones can be found below. This is an audio version of the book.
Wise Sayings, Interesting Events and Moral Lessons from the Islamic History. Excerpts and passages collected from many books written by the scholars of Islam have been compiled in this volume. The contents will be of equal interest to all Muslims whether they are children or adults, and similarly they will gain a lot of virtues, develop good character patterns, and adopt intellectual behaviour in their lives from the examples of the great personalities of Islam.Imran Hossein is the author of Islam and the Future of Money: The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham. Very interesting lecture from 2007 about Riba (interest), facts about the current economic collapse (before the collapse actually started in September 2008), gold being illegal as a form of currency in the modern western system (not illegal under Islam) and other facts about modern money and Islam.Halaqah Media.
Very interesting documentary-style lecture on money. Some say money is the root of all evil: a tool used by the wicked and the greedy to manipulate and control. Others see it as the key to all life’s puzzles. Halaqah Media explores the dark history of money and how it has influenced the world we live in. You will never see money the same again!.Ghassan Barqawi is the author of “Let us buy a house Islamically”.
Interesting lecture on money, interest, so-called Hallal mortgages and the behavior that we should have in life when it comes to finances.Kamal El Mekki is the author of “How to Give Shahadah in 10 Minutes”. Interesting advice when dicussing Islam with non-Muslims. The 2nd lecture is about zina entitled “Forbidden Love”.
How to give Shahada in 10 minutes:,.Malcolm X. Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965), also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, was an African-American Muslim Iman and human rights activist.
He was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.Yusuf Idris. Interesting topic on the various reasons Muslims give on not praying. The lecture encourages us to complete our prayers (May Allah grant us and accept our prayers).
Remember a Muslim may have an excuse not to fast, may not have enough wealth to give zakat, may not have the means to make Hajj but there is no excuse whatsoever in missing a prayer even in sickness, on our deathbeds or even in time of Jihad.Ahmed Jibreel. The true account of Prophet Isa’s (Jesus’s) life (peace be upon him), an unprecedented and highly detailed, systematic, chronological but breathtaking account on the Life of Prophet Isa (Jesus)(as) compiled from the authentic Quran and Hadith.Feiz Muhammad. Born in Australia, Sydney, Feiz Muhammad travelled to Medinah seeking knowledge from several Scholars of Islam. After having spent 4 years studying in the Islamic University of Medinah, Sheikh Feiz travelled back to Sydney to live his dream – to call to the path of Allah. His unique style of speech attracts a wide range of listeners, and is very beneficial and interesting to listen to.Bilal Dannoun. This lecture discusses the many issues pertaining to the prohibition of Riba (Interest, Usury).
We hope to dispel any doubts and misconceptions regarding the Islamic ruling of Riba. Allah says “O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up what remains due to you of interest, if you should be believers.” 2: 278.
Halaqah FilmsIndustry,FoundedNovember 25, 1998Headquarters, United KingdomProducts,Owner(s)Halaqah Media GroupWebsiteHalaqah Media Group (Halaqah Films) is a multimedia publishing company founded in 1998, located in, with offices in,. Halaqah Media is a and and distribution company. They focus on the production of works about. Their movies are intended for both institutional and commercial use.
Published mediaMajor published work only. From the Shadows: The New World Order (1998) audio and video. Islam in China (1999) audio.
Shadows 2: The History of Money audio. The Story of Moses (Musa) (2000) audio. Shadows 3:CIA exposed (2001) audio. African Holocaust (2005) audio. Torn Land: History of Palestine (2003) audio.
Dark Face of Darwin (2002) audio. (2005) film. (2006) film. (2007) film. (2009) filmExternal links.